Saturday, 11 July 2009

Celebrity Red Carpet Hairstyles

Jennifer Lopez models a fashion design from her new clothing line

Celebrities are in the spot light nearly every day of their lives. It is up to them to set the trends of clothing, jewelry and hair in 2008. It seems that the celebs have spoken and the number one most chosen hairstyle for fine dress occasions in 2008 is going to be the pull back.

The pull back hairstyle refers to any of a wealth of styles where long hair is pulled back to the neckline and captured in some beautiful hair piece. The focus of this style in 2008 with be asymmetrical and non conforming. With the sides of the hair straight and sleek, the back bun will be filled with ringlets of curls. What appear to be small wisps of hair framing in the face, will be purposefully placed there through a careful cutting technique.

Hair jewelry will not play a huge part in hairstyles in 2008. It seems Hollywood is taking the green trend and applying it to hair styling, as well. Many pull back hair designs are featuring no hair jewelry at all. The hair seems only to hold itself, as if bound by nature itself.

In 2008, celebrities will be wisping their hairstyles behind them and focusing on what is in front of them. Long hairstyles will be retained for many, with careful wisps cut to frame the face. Nature will abound and hair jewelry will disappear.